More than 300,000 businesses worldwide use Shiftee to make better workplaces.
Enjoy fast adoption of service and easy onboarding for new employees. Since Shiftee does not require any installation of a device or collection of biometric information, you can set timeclock areas of your company remotely from the HQ.
Join Shiftee via unique invite codes
Set timeclock areas remotely from the HQ
Clock in/out with coordinate and WiFi verification
Clock In/Out
Replace the traditional fingerprint identification and beacons. Shiftee uses coordinate and WiFi verification which allows simultaneous clocking in/out of large numbers of employees without any errors.
Shift Scheduling
Get real-time updates of work schedules for you and your team with the latest data. Drive employee engagement and productivity by sharing work schedules and leaves in real-time.
Optimize workflows on overtime work, holiday work, WFH, leave and more.
Custom Request
Customized input fields for universal request management
Configure different approval rules for each type of customized request
Get and track approvals anytime, anywhere from every PC or mobile app
Electronic Signature
No more paper-works and no need for installation. Manage all your documents with electronic signature in one single platform.
Stay on top of managing different leave types and remaining balances in one simple platform. Employees can keep track of their own leave balances and view coworkers’ leave schedules directly through PC or mobile app.
Payroll has never been easier with our complete solution for managing wage, shifts, attendances and leaves - all in one. Get the accurate, reliable workforce data from choosing what’s right for your business.