HR Insight

Everything You Need for Electronic Contracts and Signatures, Solved at Once with Attendance-related Data in Shiftee


Author | Sohyun Park

Contents Writer

The form of work varies depending on the job positions. Therefore, managing attendance for one company can be complex and difficult. That's why data management is important.

How can we efficiently manage attendance? The basics of attendance management are to systematically manage and record employee data.
Let's take a look at what features are necessary for attendance management.

1) Work Schedule and Attedance Records

Establish basic in-house attendance management regulations and plan employee work schedules. Employees can record their attendances based on the planned work schedule, and managers can manage it. This includes creating a work schedule that includes working hours, break times, etc.

2) Leave Management

Managing paid leaves, as stipulated by the Labor Standards Act, is also important. Employees are granted leaves for rest and managers can keep track of the leaves used by their employees.

3) Request-Approval Workflow

When you are working, you may sometimes have to work overtime. In this case, employees and managers can go through a request-approval process to approve the overtime. The approval can be done in writing or electronically.

4) Report
HR teams use data such as employee attendance records, leave days, and working hours to calculate work schedules, leave days, and salaries. This helps to ensure that employees are paid accurately on time.

"Start Attendance Management with Shiftee!"

Shiftee is an integrated workforce management solution that allows for systematic attendance management.

In addition to recording attendances and managing work schedules, Shiftee provides advanced attendance-related approval workflow features for overtime, holiday work, work from home, and leave requests. Shiftee also allows for quick and versatile custom request-approval workflow via web app and mobile app, anytime and anywhere.

In terms of employee attendance management, the work of processing internal contracts such as labor contracts, salary contracts, and various documents for the annual leave promotion system is also a complex task.

With Shiftee, you can easily manage a variety of document tasks with electronic signature, without the need for additioanl paper work or software.

[Attendance Data to Electronic Contracts]

Shiftee can be used to generate and request electronic signatures, such as employment contracts and salary contracts, by linking data related to employee wage information such as ‘employment date’ and ‘position’.

In addition, Shiftee can generate electronic contacts by reflecting employee's leave accruals, used leave days, and remaining leave days, which can be checked by the automated leave management feature.

In this way, Shiftee's electronic signature feature can be used to manage all contracts in the company at once and simplify complex contract processes.

Shiftee's electronic signature feature makes it easy to create and sign electronic contracts by connecting employee data provided by Shiftee with electronic contract templates.

Managers can easily check the progress status, details, and history of electronic contracts sent to employees.

Easily Manage Attendance Management and Electrnoic Signature with Shiftee

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