Confirm Attendance Records

Updated At: 2023-05-03

Owners and Managers can confirm/unconfirm attendance records.
  • Only Owners and Managers can confirm/unconfirm attendance records.
  • Please note that once attendance records have been confirmed, they cannot be modified or deleted. To make any changes, unconfirm the confirmed attendance records.

  Use Examples

Supervisors of each branch or team : Manage their teams' attendance records until the end of the month.
Headquarter Managers : Confirm attendance records in line with the closing date of the month.
After confirmation, branch or team Supervisors will no longer be able to modify or delete the confirmed records.


Confirm Attendance Records

To enable the confirmation feature, go to Company Settings - Timeclock and turn ‘Confirmation Feature’ on.


① Individual Confirmation

To confirm an individual attendance record, go to the attendance calendar or list page and select the employee's record. Then, check the ‘Confirmed’ option at the bottom and save your changes.


② Bulk Confirmation

STEP 1 ) On the attendance list page, go to the filter at the top and select ‘Normal Records’. Please note that missing records cannot be confirmed.


STEP 2 ) Click the checkbox on the left to select all records in the list, then click ‘confirm’ button at the top.


Unconfirm Attendance Records

① Unconfirm Individual Records

To unconfirm the records, select the record from the list and uncheck the ‘Confirmed’ option.


② Unconfirm Bulk Records

On the attendance list page, select the records from the list and click the Manage Attendance button in the top left corner. Then, click on ‘Unconfirm’ button.



Confirm Attendance Records


STEP 1 ) Go to [Attendance] tab at the bottom and select the record you want to confirm.
STEP 2 ) Tap the Confirm button at the bottom.
STEP 3 ) Confirmed records will be marked with a blue check on the right. To unconfirm the confirmation, tap the ‘unconfirm’ button at the bottom again.

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