How to Improve Location Accuracy on Your Mobile Devices

Updated At: 2023-05-03

All Members can clock in and out in Shiftee.
  • This is a guidance on how to improve location accuracy for different mobile devices.
  • Help your phone get a more accurate location and record attendances more accurately.


Setting terminology may vary by mobile device model.
Please check the following items in the 'location' related settings.

Table of Contents


① Improve Location Accuracy

  • From iOS 14 and above, iOS users can choose between ‘precise location’ and ‘approximate location’.
  • By setting ‘precise location’ from Settings > Application > Shiftee > Location > ‘Precise Location’, apps can use your specific location.

② Turn Wi-Fi and Bluetooth On

  • Location accuracy is greatly improved just by turning Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on.
  • The phone improves location accuracy by searching for nearby Wi-Fi access points or Bluetooth devices.

③ Tap ‘My Location’ Button on the Shiftee App Map

If your location on the map is inaccurate, tap ‘My Location’ button in the bottom right corner of the map. Your location accuracy will improve.

④ Location Services and Location Access Permission Settings

For your mobile phone to get your location, location services and location access permissions must be allowed.

  • Settings > Privacy & Security > Allow ‘Location Services’
  • Settings > Privacy & Security > Select ‘Shiftee’ from the List > Allow Location Access ‘While Using the App’

Android 12 & Higher

① Improve Location Accuracy

1) Google Location Accuracy

When you have Google Location Accuracy turned on, your phone gets the most accurate location. If you turn off Google Location Accuracy, apps may not be able to get your device’s precise location.

  • Settings > Location > Location Services > Google Location Accrucay > Turn ‘Improve Location Accuracy’ on

2) Location Services and Location Access Permission Settings

For your mobile phone to get your location, location services and location access permissions must be allowed.

  • Settings > Application > ‘Shiftee’ > Permission > Location > ‘Allow Only While Using the App’ or ‘Ask Every Time’, Turn ‘Use Preciese Location’ On

② Turn Wi-Fi and Bluetooth On
  • Location accuracy is greatly improved just by turning Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on.
  • The phone improves location accuracy by searching for nearby Wi-Fi access points or Bluetooth devices.

③ Tap ‘My Location’ Button on the Shiftee App Map

If your location on the map is inaccurate, tap ‘My Location’ button in the bottom right corner of the map. Your location accuracy will improve.

Android 11 & Lower

① Improve Location Accuracy

1) Turn ‘High Accuracy’ Location Mode On

Settings > Location > ‘On’ and ‘High Accuracy’ Location Mode

2) Location Access Permission Settings

Settings > Location > Select ‘Shiftee’ from the List > Permissions > ‘Your Location’ On

② Turn Wi-Fi and Bluetooth On

  • Location accuracy is greatly improved just by turning Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on.
  • The phone improves location accuracy by searching for nearby Wi-Fi access points or Bluetooth devices.

③ Tap ‘My Location’ Button on the Shiftee App Map

If your location on the map is inaccurate, tap ‘My Location’ button in the bottom right corner of the map. Your location accuracy will improve.

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