Confirm Shifts

Updated At: 2021-10-26

Owner and Managers can confirm the shifts.
  • Only Owner and Managers can confirm/unconfirm the shifts.
  • You cannot edit or delete the confirmed shifts. Undo the confirmation of the shifts first, to edit or delete.

  Use Examples

Supervisors of each team/location : Manage schedules until the company's payroll deadline.
Managers in Head Quarter : During the closed period, confirm the shifts so that supervisors cannot edit or delete the records.


Confirm Shifts

Set the Confirmation Feature from Company Settings - Scheduler to use this feature. web_companySettingsScheduler

① Confirm Single Shift

Go to Schedule - Calendar/List from the menu and select the shift to confirm. Click Confirm button at the bottom. In a calendar view, shifts that are not confirmed yet will be shown in a striped pattern. web_confirmSingleShift

② Confirm Multiple Shifts

Calendar View : Click Confirm button on the top right to confirm all the shifts on the selected day/week/month. web_confirmMultipleShifts1

List View : Select all the shifts to confirm from the list, then click Manage Shift > Confirm. web_confirmMultipleShifts2

Unconfirm Shifts

You cannot edit or delete the confirmed shifts. Unconfirm the shifts first to do so.

① Unconfirm Single Shift

Select the shift to unconfirm, then click on Unconfirm.

② Unconfirm Multiple Shifts

Calendar View : Click button at the right side of the confirm button. Then, click on Unconfirm All. web_unconfirmMultipleShifts1

List View : Click Manage Shift > Unconfirm. web_unconfirmMultipleShifts2


Confirm or Unconfirm Shifts


STEP 1 ) Go to Shift Tab on the navigation bar and select a shift to confirm. Tap on Confirm button at the bottom.
STEP 2 ) Blue check mark will be shown at the right side of the confirmed shift.
STEP 3 ) To unconfirm the shift, tap on Unconfirm button at the bottom.

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