Upload Shifts via Excel

Updated At: 2021-10-19

Owners, Managers and Supervisors(restricted) can manage Shifts.
  • You can add multiple shifts and leaves all at once using Excel.
  • There are two ways to add multiple shifts : Schedule(Calendar) and Shift(List).


Schedule(Calendar) : You can plan a Monthly Schedule with multiple shifts and leaves.
Shift(List) : You can freely plan a list of multiple shifts.


Settings For Schedule(Calendar) Upload

To upload shifts using Excel, you need to set the following settings in advance.

① Shift Template Code Feature

STEP 1 ) To use Shift Template Code Feature, go to Company Settings - Scheduler to set up.

STEP 2 ) Go to Manage > Shift Templates menu and enter a unique code for each shift template. Template codes will be used to upload shifts in schedule(calendar) using Excel.

② Leave Type Code Feature

STEP 1 ) To use leave type code(ID) feature, go to Company Settings - Leave to set up.

STEP 2 ) Go to Manage > Leave Types menu in Web Manager Mode. Click on Add Leave Type and enter a unique code for each leave type. Leave type codes will be used to upload leaves in schedule(calendar) using Excel.

  • Make sure that the leaves code are not identical to the Shift Template Codes.
  • Leave types only with the All Day Time Option can be used when uploading shifts using Excel.


To plan a schedule with 'Day-off', add a leave type with additional Holiday option.

Upload Schedule(Calendar) Using Excel

Go to Scheduler from the menu in Web Manager Mode. Click on Upload > Schedule(Calendar) button.

STEP 1 ) Select month, teams/locations and employees, then click ‘Download’ button.

  • Number of Shifts To Upload Per Employee : Select the number of shifts to upload per employee in one day.
    You can upload up to 3 shifts.
  • Use Overwrite Shift Feature : You can overwrite the shifts from the selected date. This way, you can edit shifts without having to delete the existing shifts.

STEP 2 ) Enter a schedule for employees using the shift template codes and leave type codes shown at the bottom of the Excel. If you use ‘overwrite shift feature’, dates that are not to be overwritten will be shown in gray cells and ignored when uploading a schedule.


You can refer to the last columns to plan a monthly schedule more accurately.
Working Days : Sum of the number of days with shift template codes.
Day Off : Sum of all empty cells.
Leave Days : Sum of the number of days with leave type codes.
Total Days : Sum of working days, day off and leave days.

STEP 3 ) When you are done scheduling, upload the file by clicking on the Import Excel button in step 2. Values in invalid format will be displayed in red. Double click and correct the errors to complete the upload.

Upload Shifts(List) Using Excel

Go to Scheduler from the menu in Web Manager Mode. Click on Upload > Shifts(List) button.

STEP 1 ) Download the Excel template for shifts(list).

STEP 2 ) Follow the instructions in the Excel file and enter the data in the correct format.

  • You can only add a schedule to employees, teams/locations and positions that are already created in Shiftee.

STEP 3 ) Upload the file by clicking on Import Excel. Values in invalid format will be displayed in red. Double click and correct the errors to complete upload.

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