Manage Standardization Rules

Updated At: 2023-07-25

Owner, Manager can manage standardization rules.
  • You can check the ‘standardized hours’ by comparing the scheduled hours with worked hours according to the standardization rules set in ‘Manage > Standardization Rule’.
  • These rules can be set for each position and are reflected in the report under ‘Standardized Hours’.


This feature is avilable from Standard plan.


First, check if the standardization rule feature is set in Company Settings - Report to use this feature.
You can select whether to calculate the working hours based on attendances or shifts as the ‘standardized hours’.

When Calculating Standard Working Hours Based on Attendances

• If there is no shift linked to the attendance record, standardized hours are calculated based on attendance record.
• When currently working, standardized hours are shown as ‘0’ in the real-time report.
• When missing clock-out time, standardized hours are shown as ‘0’.

When Calculating Standard Working Hours Based on Shifts

• If there is no attendance record linked to the shift, standardized hours are calculated based on the shift's start/end time.
• When missing clock-out record linked to the shift, standardized hours are calculated using the shift's end time.


Based on the selected standardization rule, standardized hours are calculated according to the position connected to the attendance/shift.

Go to Manage > Standardization Rule menu.
You can check the default settings and set additional rules for each position.

‘Standardized hours’ are calculated according to set rules and displayed in reports.
For ‘Standardized hours’ calculation, you can customize the start and end times separately.

Start Time / End Time Standardization Option

Start Time Standardization Instructions
Always use start time
  When calculating standardized hours, the start time is always based on the shift's start time.
Always use clock in time
  When calculating standardized hours, the start time is always based on the attendance's clock-in time.
Use start time for early clock in,
and use clock in time for late clock in
  When calculating standardized hours, use the ① shift's start time for early clock in(arrive earlier than the shift's start time) and the ② attendance's clock-in time for late clock in(arrive later than the shift's start time).
Use start time for early clock in,
and use clock in time (round up) for late clock in
  When calculating standardized hours, use the ① shift's start time for early clock in(arrive earlier than the shift's start time) and the ② 'rounded up' clock-in time on the attendance record for late clock in(arrive later than the shift's start time).
Use clock in time for early clock in,
and use start time for late clock in
  When calculating standardized hours, use the ① attendance's clock-in time for early clock in(arrive earlier than the shift's start time) and the ② shift's start time for late clock in(arrive later than the shift's start time).
Use clock in time (round up) for early clock in,
and use start time for late clock in
  When calculating standardized hours, use the ① 'rounded up' clock-in time on the attendance record for early clock in(arrive earlier than the shift's start time) and the ② shift's start time for late clock in(arrive later than the shift's start time).

End Time Standardization Instructions
Always use end time
  When calculating standardized hours, the end time is always based on the shift's end time.
Always use clock out time
  When calculating standardized hours, the end time is always based on the attendance's clock-out time.
Use clock out time for early clock out,
and use end time for late clock out
  When calculating standardized hours, use the ① attendance's clock-out time for early clock out(leave earlier than the shift's end time) and the ② shift's end time for late clock out(leave later than the shift's end time).
Use clock out time for early clock out (round down),
and use end time for late clock out
  When calculating standardized hours, use the ① 'rounded down' clock-out time on the attendance record for early clock out(leave earlier than the shift's end time) and the ② shift's end time for late clock out(leave later than the shift's end time).
Use end time for early clock out,
and use clock out time for late clock out
  When calculating standardized hours, use the ① shift's end time for early clock out(leave earlier than the shift's end time) and the ② attendance's clock-out time for late clock out(leave later than the shift's end time).
Use end time for early clock out,
and use clock out time (round down) for late clock out
  When calculating standardized hours, use the ① shift's end time for early clock out(leave earlier than the shift's end time) and the ② 'rounded down' clock-out time on the attendance record for late clock out(leave later than the shift's end time).

You can view the ‘Standardized hour’ details for employees in the relevant position in the real-time report.

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