Create Shift Templates

Updated At: 2023-04-04

Owners, Managers and Supervisors(restricted) can manage Shift Templates.
  • Before adding new shift templates, make sure Teams/Locations and Positions are created to your workplace.
  • Register repetitive shifts as templates and create shifts easily.


• To allow Supervisors to manage shift templates, go to Company Settings - Permission to set the Supervisor permission.
• To use Shift Template Code Feature, go to Company Settings - Scheduler to set the option.


Add Single Shift Template

STEP 1 ) Go to Manage > Shift Templates from the menu in Web Manager Mode. Click Add Template button.

STEP 2 ) Enter the information below, then click on the Add button.

  • Template Code : Enter a unique template code. You can set to use this feature from Company Settings - Scheduler. You can use template codes when uploading a schedule using Excel.
  • Template Name : Enter a template name.
  • Time : Enter a start and end time for the shift.
  • Shift Type : Choose a shift type for the shift template. For shift type settings, see Manage > Shift Types.
  • Team/Location, Position : Choose a team/position to use this shift template from the drop-down list. You can also choose multiple teams/positions. If no team/position is selected, all teams/positions can use this template when creating shifts.
  • Color : Choose a color for the template. When sending Create Shifts Request, you can recognize shift templates based on the colors.

 Additional Features

Shift Break Times Feature
To use this feature, set the 'Use shift break times feature' option from Company Settings - Break.
Uncheck to add particular break times during the shift.
You can add break times freely if 'Limit the maximum shift break time' setting is off.

Deemed Work Feature
Use this feature for the types of shifts when accurate timeclock is difficult(Out Of Office, Work From Home, etc). When using the Deemed Work option, scheduled working time will be registered as actual working time automatically regardless of employee's attendance records.
Please refer to Deemed Work Shift Type for more details.

Bulk Add Shifts Templates

STEP 1 ) Click Upload button on the page and download the Excel file provided. You can add multiple shift templates at once using Excel.

  • Make sure to add shift templates to the file in the correct format.
  • Existing teams/locations and positions can only be used in Excel upload.

STEP 2 ) Upload the file by clicking on the Upload > Import Excel button. Shiftee will verify if the data is in the valid format. Values in invalid format will be displayed in red. Double click and correct the errors to complete the upload.


STEP 1) Tap menu on the top left, then tap on Shift Templates.
STEP 2) Tap + button at the bottom.
STEP 3) Enter the information below and tap on the save button. You can follow the same process on the mobile app as well.

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