Create Company

Updated At: 2020-11-10

Owner permission is granted for the person who created the company.
  • This article is written for a person, usually, HR personnel in charge of administering Shitee to help create a new company.
  • After creating a company, you can configure settings and send an invite code to employees to join the company.


STEP 1 ) Once you have signed up and logged in, you can either create a new company or join a company using an invite code. Choose Create Company if you are a HR personnel or an owner who wishes to create a new company. web_chooseCompanyPage

STEP 2 ) Enter valid company information and then click create button.

STEP 3 ) After creating a company, you will find your company on the list. Click your company to get started with Shiftee. web_selectCompany



STEP 1 ) After you sign in to Mobile App, choose Owner access level from below.

STEP 2 ) Enter valid company information and then tap create button.

STEP 3 ) After creating a company, you will find your company on the list. Tap your company to get started with Shiftee.

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